God of My Dai­ly Routine (8)
Find­ing You in Everything 

But on the oth­er hand, if it’s true that I can lose You in every­thing, it must also be true that I can find You in every­thing. If You have giv­en me no sin­gle place to which I can flee and be sure of find­ing You, if any­thing I do can mean the loss of You, then I must be able to find You in every place, in each and every thing I do. Oth­er­wise I couldn’t find You at all, and this can­not be since I can’t pos­si­bly exist with­out You. Thus, I must seek You in all things. If every day is ​“every­day,” then every day is Your day, and every hour is the hour of Your grace. 

Every­thing is ​“every­day” and your day togeth­er. And thus, my God, I again under­stand some­thing I have always known. A truth has again come to life in my heart, which my rea­son has already often told me — and of what val­ue is a truth of rea­son when it is not also the life of the heart? 

Rah­n­er, Karl. ​“Encoun­ters with Silence.” In Spir­i­tu­al Clas­sics: Select­ed Read­ings on the Twelve Spir­i­tu­al Dis­ci­plines. Edit­ed by Richard J. Fos­ter and Emi­lie Grif­fin. New York: Harper­One, 2000
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