The small, but tenacious group within the Synod of Bishops that’s leading the fight against any development of Catholic doctrine on marriage and human sexuality is growing more and more nervous.

Word is that a number of traditionalists like Cardinals Raymond Burke and Walter Brandmüller have been at work with priest-theologians to produce yet another book aimed at countering the arguments put forth by Cardinal Walter Kasper and others in doctrinal development camp.

It appears that Augustinian Father Robert Dodaro, head of the Pontifical Patristic Institute (Augustinianum) in Rome, is once again leading the project. The American theologian was editor of the initial volume, Remaining in the Truth of Christ, which was published just before last year’s Synod gathering. It featured essays by five cardinals (Burke and Brandmüller among them) and four other scholars, all with the purpose of convincing bishops attending the 2014 Synod assembly to resist any attempts at developing the Church’s teaching and practice concerning one specific issue—giving the sacraments to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.

A source said the authors of the new book are confident…